For The Love of Skateboarding!

For those who love skateboarding and everything about it...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Backside Tailslide Bigspin Out...

That was yesterday's trick, and I actually landed quite a few of them, but they weren't as smooth as I really wanted them to be so I just kept going at it.

I was skating a bench under a bridge with my buddy Tim and his advice was to "Whip It" so I did just that and was able to get some pretty good roatation out of the shove.

It was such an awesome feeling when I actually landed on ehta twas pretty clean because I'd never really spent that much time on a backside tailslide bigspin out before. It was super fun.

I just gave Tim a ring and we'll be heading down to the beach to see what we can skate today, so it'll be another fun session for sure.

Take care for now,



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