For The Love of Skateboarding!

For those who love skateboarding and everything about it...

Friday, May 26, 2006

Who Else Wants A Bigger Kickflip?

Holy hell!

I've been skateboarding for 9 years, and I never thought to try different foot positions on my kickflips until this year.

Now, that probably sounds retarded, but in all seriousness, I was quite content with my kickflip until just recently.

If you would like to increase the height and consistency of your kickflips try the following foot positoin.

Place your front foot directly behind your front bolts, with your toe almost touching your toe edge of the front of your board. Basically your foot is almost all the way on your board, with your foot angled slightly, only about 10 degrees.

The real trick I discovered today was in your back foot, and how to get even more pop out of your kickflips.

By placing your front foot the way I described above, you're able to place your back foot in the manner I'm about to explain. If you don't have your front foot in the right positoin, you probably won't be able to do this without turning, unless you have rediculously tight trucks.

So now that we have that established, place the ball of your foot, or your toes on the heel edge of your board.

It's pretty simple, but the physics you get from popping in this position have massive effects on the height and roatation of your kickflip.

So roll, place your feet in the way I described, pop -- flick -- catch -- land and roll away knowing that you've just increased your kickflip's height byt 25% or more!

Hope this makes sense.

Happy kickflipping!


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